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南通航运职业技术学院(www.ntsc.edu.cn)(以下简称“学院”)创办于1960年,隶属于江苏省交通运输厅,原名“江苏省南通河运学校”、“江苏省南通航运学校”。 2000年10月,经江苏省人民政府批准改制升格为南通航运职业技术学院,成为一所全日制普通高等学校。学院是教育部高职高专人才培养工作水平评估优秀院校,是首批江苏省示范性高等职业院校建设单位,是首批全国交通职业教育示范院校、国家骨干高职院建设单位。学院坐落于风景秀丽的中国长三角地区最适宜人居的花园城市、著名的教育之乡——江苏省南通市,位于苏通长江大桥北翼。





    联系电话:(0513) 85960888(院长办公室) 85965558 (人事处)
                       85960968(招生办公室) 85960958(就业处)
    传真:(0513) 85960899
    南通航运职业技术学院(www.ntsc.edu.cn)网址:http://www.ntsc.edu.cn     http://www.ntsc.cn


Nantong Shipping College

Nantong Shipping College, formerly known as Nantong Shipping School, was established in 1960. It was upgraded to the college level in October, 2000.

The College now has the capacity to educate over 10,000 full time students, over 1,000 further education students, as well as short-term vocational training for over 8,000 students each year. There are 7 academic departments: nautical; ship engine engineering; ship and ocean engineering; transportation engineering; management and information technology; mechanical and electrical engineering; Humanities and Art. Among the 679 teaching staff members, 491 are full-time professional teachers and researchers, 79% of which hold dual-qualification. It has 5 specialty leading persons of China national transport higher vocational education, 3 famous college teaching masters of provincial level, 3 teaching masters of Jiangsu provincial transportation system, and 2 provincial level excellent teaching teams. The College covers approximately 63 hectares with a construction area of over 320,000 ㎡

The College has been given the Outstanding College award by the Education Ministry of the PRC, based on the evaluation of its education level, and is listed as one of the first group demonstrative higher vocational schools in Jiangsu province. It has also been awarded as the demonstrative college of transportation vocational education. It has 1 national level vocational education training base, 2 provincial level vocational education training bases, 3 municipal level key laboratories, 4 provincial level technology service centers, 6 municipal level training centers. The College has 27 varieties of laboratories on the campus and 171 field training bases.

The College emphasizes international exchange and cooperation and is a member of Global Maritime Education and Training Institution (GlobalMET). It has 4 international joint programs and has close relationships with 10 colleges and universities in 9 countries. Every year, the College employs about15 foreign teachers or experts.

The College is now earnestly implementing the national strategy of science and education, continuing its School Motto of Strive Diligently for the Perfect Acquisition of Both Chinese and Western Knowledge, strengthening connotation and core competence, creating a recognizable brand in higher vocational education, making efforts to live up to its image as a national-level demonstrative college.


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